The Night of the Taranta Tour

Tour The Night of the Taranta

The unending charm of Salento and the magical Night of the Taranta


The three-day itinerary offered by Apulia Discovery unfolds through the vibrant heart of Salento, providing participants with a total immersion in the culture, history, and music of one of Italy’s most fascinating regions. This unique experience is designed for those who wish to discover the true essence of Italian folklore, experienced through the magic of the Night of the Taranta.


The joyous faces of Taranta's participants

Day 1: The Enchantment of Lecce

The tour begins in the city of Lecce, known as the Florence of the South for its extraordinary baroque architecture. The day starts with a guided walk through the streets of the historic center, where every corner reveals masterpieces carved in Lecce stone, a material whose particular softness and coloring contribute to the uniqueness of the Lecce Baroque. A visit to the Basilica of Santa Croce, a compendium of art and history, and the Cathedral, located in the picturesque namesake square, is a must. After a stop in one of the historic cafés for a taste of the Lecce pasticciotto, the afternoon is dedicated to discovering the artisan workshops where papier-mâché is still worked, a tradition that keeps the bond with the Sant’Oronzo festival alive. The evening concludes with dinner in one of the typical restaurants of the center, where the flavors of Salento cuisine prepare the senses for the Taranta experience.


Lecce's baroque beauty under the sun

Day 2: Galatina and the Rhythm of the Taranta

The second day opens with a journey to Galatina, a gem nestled in the heart of Salento, where the tradition of the pizzica and taranta has deep roots. Here, participants visit the Church of San Paolo, where, according to legend, women bitten by the tarantula were brought to be cured through music and dance. The visit continues with a pizzica workshop, where expert dancers introduce the secrets of this ancient dance, allowing everyone to experience the compelling rhythm that frees the soul. The afternoon is free to explore the local shops or relax in one of the cafés in the center, savoring traditional sweets like the mustazzueli. Dinner, in a typical farmhouse of the area, is a further opportunity to taste the local cuisine, enriched with wines and zero-kilometer products.


Galatina: where music heals the soul

Day 3: Melpignano and the Night that Unites the World

The climax of the tour is participation in the Night of the Taranta in Melpignano, a highlight event that attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world every year. The afternoon is dedicated to visiting the town and discovering its traditions, with a musical prelude offered by folk groups that begin to warm up the atmosphere. As the sun sets, the square transforms into an open-air stage where music, singing, and dance merge into a single, great celebration. Local and international artists take turns on the stage, bringing their contribution to this extraordinary party that continues until dawn, in a crescendo of emotions and sharing.


Melpignano lit up for the Taranta's finale

Conclusion of the journey

At the end of these three intense days, participants will carry with them not only the memory of a unique event but also a deep knowledge of a rich and fascinating culture, thanks to the experience and professionalism of Apulia Discovery. This tour is not simply a journey through places but a journey into the heart of traditions that have nourished the soul of Salento for centuries.


The three-day tour

Apulia Discovery has meticulously curated every detail of the three-day tour to ensure a memorable and complete experience that immerses participants in Salentine culture through the most representative places linked to the Night of the Taranta. This journey is not just an opportunity to attend Italy’s largest festival of popular music but also a way to explore the scenic, architectural, and gastronomic beauties of Salento.


The vibrant crowd of the Night of Taranta

Why participate in the tour of the Night of the Taranta

Participating in the tour of the Night of the Taranta with Apulia Discovery goes far beyond simply attending a significant cultural event. It is an opportunity to live a transformative experience firsthand, allowing deep connection with the authenticity of Salento, its traditions, and its people. The vibrant music, engaging dances, vivid colors, and intense flavors of the territory become expressions of a unique journey, enriched by the professionalism and enthusiasm of Apulia Discovery.


The Night of the Taranta is much more than just a festival: it is a bridge between past and present, a celebration of Salento’s rich cultural, historical, and traditional wealth. Apulia Discovery offers a privileged perspective on this land through a tour that promises to transform into a deep travel experience, capable of touching the soul and leaving indelible memories.


Pizzica dancers in a whirl of tradition

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What is the best time to participate in the tour? The ideal time to participate in the tour coincides with the Night of the Taranta, which generally takes place in the last decade of August. It is the period when Salento comes alive with music, culture, and celebrations, offering the most authentic and lively experience possible.
  • Is there a recommended dress code for the festival? There is no strict dress code, but comfortable and casual clothing is recommended. It’s important to consider clothing suitable for an outdoor evening that continues until dawn, so a sweater or light jacket can be useful.
  • Is it suitable for families with children? Absolutely. The festival is an inclusive event that celebrates popular culture, suitable for people of all ages. For families with children, it can be a unique opportunity to share a rich cultural experience full of music and fun.
  • What are the culinary specialties not to be missed? Salento offers a variety of traditional dishes not to be missed: from “orecchiette” with turnip tops to “rustico leccese,” and for those with a sweet tooth, the “pasticciotto.” Not to forget the extra virgin olive oil and local wines such as Primitivo and Negroamaro.
  • How can I book my place on the tour? To book your place on the tour, simply contact Apulia Discovery through their official website, call the numbers indicated on the platform, or send an email. The Apulia Discovery team is available to provide all necessary information and assist in the booking phase.


Taranta Tour

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