Festival Internazionale “Teatro dei Luoghi” – Lecce

teatro dei luoghi lecce 2024

A Journey, an Unforgettable Experience: 11 Days of Art and Culture in Lecce


The International Festival “Teatro dei Luoghi” begins, and this year’s motto is “No Land in Sight,” an invitation to lose oneself in order to find oneself, expanding horizons without limits. This unique event, which will be held from July 15 to 25, will offer 11 days of intense programming with 18 shows and 3 training sessions. You cannot miss this unmissable event featuring prominent names from the contemporary artistic and literary scene.


teatro dei luoghi lecce 2024


A Diverse and Engaging Offer

The 2024 edition of the festival presents a rich program of events, music, dance, and theater, with a special tribute to Charles Simic, the Serbian-born American poet and translator, and Pulitzer Prize winner. The festival will open on Monday, July 15, with “Don Quixote,” an itinerant show through alleys and squares, organized by Teatro dei Venti. You will be carried away on a dreamlike journey from Porta Napoli to Piazza Sant’Oronzo, accompanied by stilt walkers, live music, and theatrical machines.


Festival Venues

The festival will take place in six emblematic locations of the Salento capital, transformed into open-air theaters. Convitto Palmieri and the Church of San Francesco della Scarpa will host the early days from July 16 to 18, featuring the performance installation “Untitled” by Romeo Castellucci and the reruns of “The Conversion of a Horse” by Ludovica Rambelli Theatre.


Event Program and Details

First Phase: Historic Center of Lecce

July 15: “Don Quixote” – Teatro dei Venti, itinerant show from Porta Napoli to Piazza Sant’Oronzo.

July 16-18: “Untitled” – Romeo Castellucci, performance installation at the Church of San Francesco della Scarpa.

July 17: “The Conversion of a Horse” – Ludovica Rambelli Teatro, at the Teatrino del Convitto Palmieri.

July 18: “Metamorphosis” – Andrea Baracco / Cardellino srl, in the Cloister of Convitto Palmieri.


teatro dei luoghi lecce 2024

Second Phase: Monastero degli Olivetani

July 19: Nicola Lagioia with “Soon I Will Know Who I Am” and Pippo Delbono with “At Night”.

July 20: Stefano Massini with “The Alphabet of Emotions”.

July 21: Concita De Gregorio and Erica Mou with “One Last Thing. Five Invectives, Seven Women and a Funeral”.


Third Phase: Rudiae Archaeological Park

July 23: “Voodoo” – Masque Teatro and “Drifting Crosswise” – Dewey Dell.

July 24: “The Real You” – Spellbound Contemporary Ballet.

July 25: “SPEEED” – Parini Secondo and “WHAT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW” – Bremo.


teatro dei luoghi lecce 2024

Training and Festival Innovations

The festival is not only about performances but also about training and innovation. Among this year’s new features: WIND SOLES art practices: Three days of training with cultural professionals, including Nicola Lagioia, Concita De Gregorio, and Stefano Massini, who will engage with over 50 participants on the fundamentals of their craft. Teatro dei Luoghi OFF: The after-festival from July 19 to 24, featuring activities like yoga, mixology, slam poetry, tarot reading, and much more, in a moment of sharing and expressive freedom.


An Internationally Significant Event

The project is co-funded by the Ministry of Culture, the European Union, the Puglia Region, and Pugliapromozione, with the support of the Municipality of Lecce and the collaboration of ArtWork. On July 22, there will be a free event in Piazza Duomo, where Ermanna Montanari will give voice to the 23rd canto of Dante’s Paradiso, creating a unique moment of literature, spirituality, and history.


Participating in “Teatro dei Luoghi” is an unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in an unprecedented cultural and artistic experience. From July 15 to 25, let yourself be carried away by exciting performances, deep reflections, and moments of sharing in some of Lecce’s most evocative places. Don’t miss this 11-day journey that will allow you to lose yourself in order to find yourself, expanding your horizons without limits.

For more information: Teatro dei Luoghi Program


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